Return Orientation 2023


The Student Union (TYY) and the outgoing team of the UTU International Office organize a Return Orientation for students who have returned from their exchange. During the event, you’ll meet others who have been on exchange, hear about the University of Turku's opportunities for internationalization at home and receive peer support for a possible return shock. The programme includes a presentation (in Finnish, slides in Finnish & English) given by the outgoing team and small group discussions (both Finnish and/or English may be used). In addition all the participants will receive an exchange overall patch from the outgoing team! Sign up to the event latest on 17th of September for us to know how much snack to buy!


When: Wednesday 20th of September 2023 from 14:15 to 15:30

Where: Student Centre Disco, University hill.  

Signup link for the Return Orientation