Executive Board

The administrative and executive powers of the student union are exercised by the executive board, elected by the student union council. The term of office for the executive board is a calendar year. The executive board manages the student union's day-to-day affairs and is responsible for implementing the action plan. The board represents the student union, supervises the administration of the student union and exercises general executive power within the limits set by the student union's rules, and the decisions of the student union council. The executive board is responsible for all its activities to the student union council.

The executive board consists of a chairperson and seven members. The members of the executive board each have one or more sectors for which they are responsible. TYY has several operating sectors: educational affairs, social affairs, international affairs, student organizations, student culture, sports, corporate collaboration, development cooperation, environment and sustainable development, communications, city relations and tutoring.

During the semesters, the executive board meets approximately once a week at their office at Student House A. The resolutions of each meeting are available on the student union's official notice board and on this website.

TYY executive board 2024

Executive board 2024:

Katie Astin
puh. 045 3205125

The chairperson is responsible for the operations of the entire executive board. Their job is to make sure that the board runs smoothly. In addition, the chairperson represents the executive board, speaks with the voice of the student union and manages public relations with partners, such as the university and other student unions.

Josefina Tuomala
Vice Chairperson, Educational Affairs, Municipal Affairs
tyy-vpj@utu.fi, tyy-kopo@utu.fi

The Vice Chair of the executive board is the chairperson’s right hand and acts as their deputy if necessary.

The job description of the person responsible for educational affairs (kopo), includes study and degree matters, teaching and its development, the students’ legal protection and student representation in the university administration. Educational affairs sector additionally monitors national and international developments concerning the university institution, such as the discussion on tuition fees, the funding of universities or the place of universities of applied sciences in the education system.

The most important tasks of the member for city relations are to communicate with the city's decision-makers and officials, and to participate in the municipal policy cooperation of all Turku university students in the Group 40,000. Their task is the promotion of the students’ interests in a city, where a significant part of the inhabitants study in institutions of higher education.

Antti Hakamaa
Social Affairs, Tutoring

The duties of the board member for social affairs (sopo) include matters related to the students' health, housing, livelihood and well-being. At the same time, the members for social affairs follow the nationwide discussion on e.g., the student financial aid system, student housing or students' mental health problems.

Shashika Harshani
International Affairs, Development Cooperation & Work Life
tyy-kv@utu.fi, tyy-kehy@utu.fi

The words multiculturalism, student exchange and intercultural encounters describe the international sector. The board member for international affairs trains international tutors and monitors decision-making concerning foreign students both at the university as well as both inside and outside of Finland's borders.

Together with the rest of the development cooperation sector, the board member for development cooperation keeps the wheels of TYY's development cooperation project turning. They also participates in development cooperation wing’s meetings and is involved in the implementation of SYL's development cooperation week.

Saimi Herlevi
Communications, Environment & Equality
tyy-viestinta@utu.fi, tyy-ymparisto@utu.fi

The duties of the board member for communications include the development of TYY's communications and matters related to the visibility of the Student Union.

The duties of the board member responsible for the environmental sector include both TYY's internal and environment-related issues with stakeholders. The duties include for example, training the office and organizations on environmental issues, cooperation with the university, and supporting the environmental wing.

The board member of Equality promotes equality and accessibility and highlights the diversity of students.

Victoria Luovikari
Organisations, Communications & Volunteers
tyy-jarjestot@utu.fi, tyy-viestinta@utu.fi

The task of the board member for organisations is to improve the operating conditions of organisations by, for example, organising trainings, informing about TYY's services and finding answers to the problems faced by organisations. In addition, the member is responsible for informing the executive board about TYY's organisations and the recreational opportunities they offer.

The duties of the board member for communications include the development of TYY's communications and matters related to the visibility of the Student Union.

Jimi Mahonen
Educational Affairs, Municipal Affairs & Corporate Collaboration
tyy-kopo@utu.fi, tyy-yritysyhteistyo@utu.fi

The job description of the person responsible for educational affairs (kopo), includes study and degree matters, teaching and its development, the students’ legal protection and student representation in the university administration. Educational affairs sector additionally monitors national and international developments concerning the university institution, such as the discussion on tuition fees, the funding of universities or the place of universities of applied sciences in the education system.

The most important tasks of the member for city relations are to communicate with the city's decision-makers and officials, and to participate in the municipal policy cooperation of all Turku university students in the Group 40,000. Their task is the promotion of the students’ interests in a city, where a significant part of the inhabitants study in institutions of higher education.

The board member for corporate collaboration is responsible for acquiring the student union new partnerships and membership benefits. They’re also responsible for the implementation of existing agreements.

Vilppu Tolvi
Organisations, Student Culture, Aid committee & Satakunta Campuses
tyy-jarjestot@utu.fi, tyy-kulttuuri@utu.fi

The task of the board member for organisations is to improve the operating conditions of organisations by, for example, organising trainings, informing about TYY's services and finding answers to the problems faced by organisations. In addition, the member is responsible for informing the executive board about TYY's organisations and the recreational opportunities they offer.
The job description of the board member for student culture includes supervising cultural interests and organising the traditions of the Student Union. TYY's long-standing traditions include, May Day events, Porthan's Day, the student union’s annual ball celebrations and the Independence Day torchlight procession.

The board member responsible for Satakunta campuses ensures that TYY also takes into account the students of Rauma and Pori in its operations.

For more information, contact:

Chairperson Katie Astin, tyy-pj@utu.fi, tel. 045 3205125