Statement: Let the students graduate

The Student Union of the University of Turku opposes the change being prepared by The Ministry of Education and Culture, after which university students would have to pay a 50 euro fee for applying for an extension of their study right. This change is being justified by the fact that students studying in universities of applied sciences have an equivalent fee in place, and the difference between the two higher education sectors is not appropriate or equal. The Student Union stresses that higher education aiming for a degree must be free of charge in Finland.

Equality should be pursued by improving the position of students studying in universities of applied sciences, as opposed to undermining the position of university students. Any impact assessment for this change has not been made, so it remains unclear what the aim of it is. The change also contradicts the programme of Orpo’s government, in which objectives such as increasing the number of higher education graduates, improving the completion rate and encourage students to complete their studies within the normative period are presented.

The changes regarding livelihood implemented by Orpo’s government weaken the financial situation of students, who are already in a vulnerable position. An increasing debt burden and concerns about livelihood affect students’ wellbeing, mental health and the ability to study. As a result of the reforms weakening livelihood, many students have to work alongside studying, which takes away resources from studying. There are as many possible factors leading to the prolongation of studies as there are students, and additional punishments cannot be afforded amidst a societal skills shortage. The possibility of completing a degree must be secured. A completed degree is in the best interest of an individual as well as the society. 


The Student Union of The University of Turku
Jimi Mahonen

The Student Union of The University of Lapland
Alexandra Aho