Applications for Oragnizations Hall of Fame

Has your organization taken great steps in student advocacy or bettered communality? Is internationality taken even more actively into consideration or did the organization come up with a great way to advance student culture? Maybe your organization has done great with their communications?

It is time to award this years active organizations. It can be your own organization or some other organization, which actions you have admired. It is time to propose this Hall of Fame 2023 winners!

Hall of Fame is a tradition started in 2021 where organizations are awarded with prizes in different categories. There will be picked winners of the categories as well as honorable mentions earned organizations. TYY’s Hall of Fame is a big wooden board/panel where the winners and categories can be read from the brass plaques. This panel is hanging on the wall near the exit in downstairs of Assari.

This year’s changing theme award is the “Communications Act of The Year”.

Categories for the year 2023:

TYY international award

Academic Affairs Award

Social Affairs Award

Student Culture Award

Most Communal Organisation

Changing Theme Award 2023 - Communications Act of The Year

More information about categories as well as the proposing happens behind this link:

Deadline for proposing is until Monday 25.10. 12 o’clock. Winners will be announced at the Organizations gala 31.10.